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Stanford's National Lab (SLAC)
Software Developer: Technology & Innovation Directorate
  • Development of software for the LCLS (Linac Coherent Light Source) Data Aquistion System: specific focus on optimal organization of event readout/requests for shared memory servers
  • Firmware/software development and testing of the networking architecture for the LCLSII system upgrade
  • Experiment Collaboration at ANL (Argonne National Lab): Developed a standalone data acquisition system for a CSpad (Cornell-SLAC pixel array) detector and installed/ran at APS (The Advanced Photon Source) for an x-ray split and delay experiment

  • Development of BLD (Beam Line Data) Common Platform Design: Server/client model with event builder, event processor and EPICs (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) monitoring

Data Systems for the Linac Coherent Light Source 
Journal of Applied Crystallography 
(2016). 49, 1363-1369
University of Arizona
Bachelor's of Science
  • C/C++
  • VHDL 
  • Python
  • Fortran
  • ROOT framework
  • Windows & Unix OS
  • Electronics Debugging
  • Software Development
  • Firmware Development
  • Large Data Set Analysis
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Network Programming
University of Arizona Physics Department, 
Staff Technician for the Experimental Particle Physics Group
  • Development of software for the CSC (Cathode Strip Chamber) muon system for the Run 2 of CERN’s ATLAS experiment using both data driven and electronic strategies
  • Test electronics for the front-end system for Micromegas detectors, which are part of the ATLAS New Small Wheel upgrade. Typical tasks include electronics debugging, small firmware development and collecting and analyzing measurements to characterize the VMM2 ASIC along with performing measurements collected using a small Micromegas test chamber
Department of Planetary Sciences and Lunar Planetary Laboratory, Programmer/ Data Analysis 
  • Demonstrated a correlation between weak interplanetary magnetic fields and less solar energetic particle (SEP) events in the current solar cycle
  • Modeled the diffusive transport of impulsive energetic particle events through simulation
  • Categorization of large SEP events and comparison of last two solar cycles
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Physicist/Programmer
  • Collected and processed CSC (Cathode Strip Chamber) data, computed and tested muon recalibration factors, reconstructed Z boson mass spectrum and evaluated performance/resolution for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
  • Assisted in building a MicroMegas detector for the purpose of testing readout electronics for the ATLAS 2015 muon spectrometer wheel upgrade
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), Programmer
  • Tested the accuracy of Bayesian photometric redshifting techniques for measuring distances to astronomical objects in simulations
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