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Profiteering College


I am currently working towards publishing my first novel titled Profetiering College. Simply put, this will be a collection of all my advice as a college graduate, from properly utilizing resources, obtaining scholarships, undergoing research, networking, scheduling, and miscellaneous tips for success. I believe many kids are mislead as to what should really be gained from attending university. I will also be including my suggestions for how to go about applying, preparing, interviewing and succeeding in your career post college. 


Accelerator Adventures:


Recently, I have begun developing a series of children's particle physics picture books titled, Accelerator Adventures. The series will take kids on fun journeys through an accelerator with numerous particle friends, building and enforcing simple math and reasoning skills, as they learn about the subatomic world. My goal is simply to introduce children to the idea that there is a whole other world which exists beyond what we can see.






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